Common Error Responses from Orders / Create

Common Error Responses from Orders / Create

Sometimes attempting to create an order will error. Here are some common reasons, the responses and suggested courses of action.



Response Body

Suggested Action



Response Body

Suggested Action

Tickets No Longer Available


["OrderIntegration::Error::NotFound", "OrderIntegration::Error::NotFound"]


["OrderGroup::Builder::NoTickets", "OrderGroup::Builder::NoTickets"]

Redirect customer to the Event landing page with a message to select a new set of tickets.

Submitted Price Is Too Low

(Usually because price was increased before checkout was completed.)


["OrderGroup::TicketPriceError", "Ticket Group: Ticket Price:1677.0, Buy Price:1222.0"]

Redirect customer to the Event landing page with a message to select a new set of tickets.

Order Timed Out


["OrderIntegration::Error::ConnectionTimeout", "Connection Timeout"]

This can happen when the inventory is on Order Integration and the seller’s API did not respond in time.

Make a GET /ticket_groups/1234567 to verify the inventory is still available, the quantity desired is still in the splits array and that the price has not increased. If all of those are true then re-submit the order. If not, redirect customer to the Event landing page with a message to select a new set of tickets.

Invalid Quantity Requested


["OrderLink::InvalidTicketSplit", "Error performing ticket split, valid quantity values include X,Y, not Z"]

Either the order was submitted with a quantity that was not in the ticket_group’s splits array OR there are a different number of tickets available now vs when checkout started.

Redirect customer to the Event landing page with a message to select a new set of tickets.

Incorrect Delivery Specified


["OrderGroup::Builder::GeneralError", "Ticket group format is XXXXXXX, but the specified delivery type is YYYYY."]

Refer to the table on 08. Event Landing Pages to see which shipment.types are allowed with each ticket_group.format

Not Enough EvoPay Available


["EvopayTransaction::BalanceTooLow", "EvopayTransaction::BalanceTooLow"]

Replenish your EvoPay balance.

Credit card Issues


["BraintreeManager::BraintreeError", "CVV not verified Postal Code not verified Street Address not verified"]

The customer’s credit card did not pass validation.

Redirect customer to the checkout with a message to input correct credit card and billing information.

["OrderGroup::Manager::PaymentError", "(Status 402) (Request req_a9w6MIBQk369ei) Your card has insufficient funds."]

Redirect customer to the checkout with a message to use a different credit or debit card.

["OrderGroup::Manager::PaymentError", "2014: Processor Declined - Fraud Suspected"]


["OrderGroup::Manager::PaymentError", "2038: Processor Declined"]

Redirect customer to the checkout with a message to use a different credit or debit card.

["OrderGroup::Manager::PaymentError", "2001: Insufficient Funds"]

Redirect customer to the checkout with a message to use a different credit or debit card.

["OrderGroup::Manager::PaymentError", "2000: Do Not Honor"]


Configuration problem


["OrderGroup::Builder::InvalidSellerId OrderGroup::Builder::InvalidSellerId"]

Contact us to make sure you are using the correct seller_id






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