Order Notifications (Webhooks)

Order Notifications (Webhooks)


Notifications System can be used to update you about new orders as well as changes to an order.

Webhooks are sent as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST to a URL which you provide to TEvo. All webhooks will include an order_group_id, recipient, event_type, and body.


We have notifications that apply to both Sellers and Buyers and the recipient parameter indicates whether you are the buyer or the seller for the given order.


If you wish to use webhooks in Sandbox or Production contact our support team to provide us the URL.





You will only receive Buyer Notifications if you are creating Buy Orders, which most groups should not be doing.

Seller Notifications

New Order/Fraud Response Received

As soon as a new order for your tickets is received we will send these notifications. This should reduce your reliance on checking Orders / Index for new orders, and once you have confirmed this notification is working for you we suggest that only check Orders / Index every 5 minutes or so as a fallback.










{ "id": 147277, "created_by": { "type": "UserCredential", "label": "Token 1372882898", "office_id": 1752, "brokerage_id": 1756 }, "updated_at": "2016-06-01T14:40:04Z", "partner": false, "seller_rejection_reason": null, "service_fee": "0.0", "patron_type": "Office", "was_auto_pended": null, "seller_cancellation_notes": null, "seller_is_pos": false, "url": "/orders/147277", "created_at": "2016-06-01T14:40:01Z", "discount": "0.0", "was_auto_accepted": null, "spec": false, "refunded": "0.0", "pending_non_refund_payments_total": 0, "buyer_rejection_reason": null, "seller_state": "pending", "substitutions": [ ], "was_auto_canceled": null, "oth_created": false, "created_by_ip_address": null, "billing_address": { "region": "NY", "street_address": "110 W 30th Street", "country_code": "US", "extended_address": "Seventh Floor", "label": null, "longitude": null, "locality": "New York", "po_box": false, "primary": false, "latitude": null, "postal_code": "10001", "id": 8506 }, 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Airbill Uploaded

When a buyer has purchased Physical tickets to be shipped and used the delivery type ProvidedAirbill to indicate they would upload an airbill we will send this notification when the airbill is uploaded and is ready for you to retrieve using Shipments / Get Airbill or manually via Core.









{ "order": { "url": "/orders/147294", "id": 147294 }, "phone_number": null, "type": "ProvidedAirbill", "tracking_number": "342352352523", "updated_at": "2016-06-01T15:53:50Z", "address": null, "service_type": "LEAST_EXPENSIVE", "courier_company": null, "signature_type": "", "created_at": "2016-06-01T15:50:02Z", "url": "/shipment/61627", "shipment_snapshot": { "phone_number": null, "type": "ProvidedAirbill", "region": null, "street_address": null, "extended_address": null, "po_box": null, "label": null, "available": null, "email_address": "dgainor@ticketevolution.com", "locality": null, "name": null, "country_code": null, "company": null, "id": 61627, "carrier": null, "postal_code": null }, "state": "pending", "airbill": "http://s3.amazonaws.com/media.sandbox.ticketevolution.com/deliveries/airbills/61627/original.pdf?1464796430", "ship_to_name": null, "available": true, "email_address": { "updated_at": "2016-06-01T15:50:02Z", "address": "dgainor@ticketevolution.com", "url": null, "label": null, "id": 194572 }, "notes": null, "ship_to_company_name": null, "name": null, "items": [ { "price": "30.0", "quantity": 4, "ticket_group": { "wholesale_price": "30.0", "retail_price": null, "url": "/ticket_groups/298706863", "event": { "url": "/events/1019897", "venue": { "address": { "region": "OH", "locality": "Cleveland" }, "url": "/venues/294", "name": "FirstEnergy Stadium - Cleveland", "id": "294" }, "event_tbd": null, "occurs_at": "2016-06-05T12:30:00Z", "name": "Japan at USA Women's National Soccer Team", "id": "1019897" }, "office_id": "618", "remote_id": "63407", "quantity": null, "id": "298706863" }, "id": 120151, "order_item_link_id": 124029 } ], "residential": null, "service_type_display": "", "cost": "0.0", "id": 61627, "carrier": "fedex", "broker_phone_number": null }

Delivery Updated

When the delivery has detail or attribute changes post-order (email address, name, etc…), we will send this notification.









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Order Accepted

When you have Accepted an order we will send this notification.









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