Orders / Index
Orders / Index
Long Description
Searches all orders visible to the brokerage associated with the API credentials.
Parameters (parameters may be case sensitive)
Name | Description | Value Type | Required | ||||||||||||
q | Full text search on Brokerage or Client name or id | String | Optional | ||||||||||||
seller_id | ID of office or client who is the seller | integer | Optional | ||||||||||||
buyer_id | ID of office or client who is the buyer | integer | Optional | ||||||||||||
order_id | The ID of the order | integer | Optional | ||||||||||||
order_group_id | The ID of the group to which the order belongs | integer | Optional | ||||||||||||
state | The seller state of the order (i.e. pending, rejected, accepted, completed)
| String | Optional | ||||||||||||
id | The ID of the order | integer | Optional | ||||||||||||
needs_eticket | Indicates whether or not the order has items that include etickets that have not yet been delivered. | boolean | Optional | ||||||||||||
type | Filter on whether the order is a sale (Order ) or a purchase (PurchaseOrder ) - case-sensitive or API will return all orders | String | Optional | ||||||||||||
direct_buyer_type | Filter on whether the buyer is a Client or an Office | String | Optional | ||||||||||||
reference | Exact match for reference field | String | Optional | ||||||||||||
performer_id | ID of any Performer associated with the event. | Integer | Optional | ||||||||||||
venue_id | ID of the Venue where the event takes place. | Integer | Optional | ||||||||||||
event_date | ISO_8601 formatted event date | String | Optional |
Request | Response |
/v9/orders?buyer_id=6 | |
{ "orders":[ { "refunded":"20.0", "hold_expires_at":null, "notes":[ ], "reference":null, "invoice_number":null, "total":"0.0", "fraud_check_status": "accepted", "items":[ { "eticket_delivery":null, "eticket_available":false, "price":"5.0", "ticket_group":{ "remote_id":"10622", "office_id":141, "section":"140", "row":"8", "url":"/ticket_groups/2882216", "wholesale_price":5.0, "external_notes":"BLEACHERS", "seats":[ ], "retail_price":"5.0", "quantity":null, "event":{ "occurs_at":"2011-03-28T13:05:00Z", "url":"/events/93935", "name":"Exhibition - San Francisco Giants vs. Oakland Athletics", "id":"93935", "venue":{ "address":null, "name":"AT&T Park", "id":"1172" } }, "id":"2882216" }, "eticket_downloaded_at":"", "quantity":2, "id":"41", "eticket_downloaded_by":null } ], "placer":null, "buyer":{ "brokerage":{ "url":"/brokerages/61", "name":"Ticket Evolution", "id":"61", "abbreviation":"Ticket Evolution" }, "url":"/offices/6", "name":"Main Office", "id":"6" }, "url":"/orders/41", "shipments":[ ], "balance":"0.0", "shipping":"0.0", "shipping_address":null, "child_orders":[ ], "additional_expense":"10.0", "seller":{ "brokerage":{ "url":"/brokerages/2", "name":"Golden Tickets", "id":"2", "abbreviation":"Golden Tickets" }, "url":"/offices/141", "name":"Main Office", "id":"141" }, "po_number":null, "state":"completed", "instructions":null, "service_fee":"0.0", "subtotal":"10.0", "partner":false, "tax":"0.0", "payments":[ ], "billing_address":null, "id":"41", "updated_at":"2011-08-11T03:13:22Z", "created_at":"2011-02-18T16:35:13Z", "hold_placed_at":null, "client":{ "phone_numbers":[ ], "email_addresses":[ ], "url":"/clients/1409", "name":"Main Office", "id":"1409" } }, { "refunded":"0.0", "hold_expires_at":null, "notes":[ ], "reference":null, "invoice_number":null, "total":"14.0", "items":[ { "eticket_delivery":null, "eticket_available":false, "price":"7.0", "ticket_group":{ "remote_id":"10626", "office_id":141, "section":"304", "row":"8", "url":"/ticket_groups/2882223", "wholesale_price":7.0, "external_notes":"View Reserve Right Field", "seats":[ ], "retail_price":"7.0", "quantity":null, "event":{ "occurs_at":"2011-03-28T13:05:00Z", "url":"/events/93935", "name":"Exhibition - San Francisco Giants vs. Oakland Athletics", "id":"93935", "venue":{ "address":null, "name":"AT&T Park", "id":"1172" } }, "id":"2882223" }, "eticket_downloaded_at":"", "quantity":2, "id":"42", "eticket_downloaded_by":null } ], "placer":null, "buyer":{ "brokerage":{ "url":"/brokerages/61", "name":"Ticket Evolution", "id":"61", "abbreviation":"Ticket Evolution" }, "url":"/offices/6", "name":"Main Office", "id":"6" }, "url":"/orders/42", "shipments":[ ], "balance":"14.0", "shipping":"0.0", "shipping_address":null, "child_orders":[ ], "additional_expense":"0.0", "seller":{ "brokerage":{ "url":"/brokerages/2", "name":"Golden Tickets", "id":"2", "abbreviation":"Golden Tickets" }, "url":"/offices/141", "name":"Main Office", "id":"141" }, "po_number":null, "state":"rejected", "instructions":null, "service_fee":"0.0", "subtotal":"14.0", "partner":false, "tax":"0.0", "payments":[ ], "billing_address":null, "id":"42", "updated_at":"2011-08-11T03:13:22Z", "created_at":"2011-02-18T16:56:34Z", "hold_placed_at":null, "client":{ "phone_numbers":[ ], "email_addresses":[ ], "url":"/clients/1409", "name":"Main Office", "id":"1409" } } ], "current_page":1, "per_page":20, "total_entries":120 } |
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