Clients / Index
Clients / Index
Long Description
List Clients that belong to your Brokerage.
Name | Description | Type | Presence | Location | Conditionals |
office_id | List only Clients who belong to a specific office within your brokerage | Integer | Optional | Query | No |
company_id | List Clients that belong to a company | Integer | Optional | Query | No |
name | Exact match of Client name | String | Optional | Query | No |
created_at | Creation timestamp | Date (ISO_8601) | Optional | Query | Yes |
updated_at | Last updated timestamp | Date (ISO_8601) | Optional | Query | Yes |
Request | Response |
/v9/clients | { "current_page":1, "total_entries":2, "clients":[ { "primary_credit_card":null, "primary_email_address":null, "company":null, "phone_numbers":[ { "extension":null, "country_code":null, "label":"Office", "number":"(615) 555-5555", "id":"130002" } ], "email_addresses":[ ], "url":"/clients/84334", "primary_shipping_address":null, "balance":"0.0", "updated_at":"2013-02-01T02:05:15Z", "tags":[ ], "primary_billing_address":null, "name":"Bridgestone Arena", "notes":null, "id":"84334", "addresses":[ { "locality":"Nashville", "postal_code":"37203", "country_code":"US", "street_address":"333 Some Ave", "label":"Office", "primary":false, "latitude":null, "extended_address":null, "po_box":false, "name":null, "id":"372965", "longitude":null, "region":"TN" } ], "primary_phone_number":null }, { "primary_credit_card":null, "primary_email_address":null, "company":null, "phone_numbers":[ { "extension":null, "country_code":null, "label":"Office", "number":"(201) 555-5555", "id":"130001" } ], "email_addresses":[ ], "url":"/clients/84333", "primary_shipping_address":null, "balance":"0.0", "updated_at":"2013-02-01T02:03:10Z", "tags":[ ], "primary_billing_address":null, "name":"John Client", "notes":null, "id":"84333", "addresses":[ { "locality":"Jersey City", "postal_code":"07302", "country_code":"US", "street_address":"444 Other Ave", "label":"Office", "primary":false, "latitude":null, "extended_address":null, "po_box":false, "name":null, "id":"372964", "longitude":null, "region":"NJ" } ], "primary_phone_number":null } ] } |
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