Clients / Show
Clients / Show
Long Description
Display information about a Client that belongs to your Brokerage.
Name | Description | Type | Presence | Location |
client_id | The ID of the specific Client | Integer | Required | URI |
Name | Description | Type |
addresses | Addresses that are associated with this Client | Array|null |
balance | Amount currently owed by this Client | Decimal |
company | A Company that to which this Client belongs | Object|null |
email_addresses | Email Addresses that are associated with this Client | Array|null |
id | The unique ID of this Client | Integer |
name | The name of this Client | String |
notes | Any notes that have been made regarding this client | String|null |
phone_numbers | Phone Numbers that are associated with this Client | Array|null |
primary_billing_address | An Addresses that has been designated as the primary billing address for this Client | Object|null |
primary_credit_card | A /wiki/spaces/API/pages/4129298 that has been designated as the primary credit card for this Client | Object|null |
primary_email_address | An Email Address that has been designated as the primary email address for this Client | Object|null |
primary_phone_number | A Phone Number that has been designated as the primary phone number for this Client | Object|null |
primary_shipping_address | An Addresses that has been designated as the primary billing address for this Client | Object|null |
tags | A collection of tags that can be used to arbitrarily group Clients | Array|null |
updated_at | Last updated timestamp | Date (ISO_8601) |
url | The unique URL for this client | String |
commission_junction_sid | Alphanumeric SID from the Commission Junction network | String |
Request | Response |
/v9/clients/109402 | { "addresses": [ { "country_code": "US", "extended_address": "Suite M", "id": "501545", "label": "Moe’s Tavern", "latitude": null, "locality": "Springfield", "longitude": null, "name": "Moe Szyslak", "po_box": false, "postal_code": "85262", "primary": false, "primary_billing_address": false, "primary_shipping_address": false, "region": "MG", "street_address": "555 Tire Fire Way" }, { "country_code": "US", "extended_address": "Suite 202-B", "id": "501546", "label": "Tempe Home", "latitude": null, "locality": "Tempe", "longitude": null, "name": "Moe Szyslak", "po_box": false, "postal_code": "85281", "primary": true, "primary_billing_address": true, "primary_shipping_address": true, "region": "AZ", "street_address": "777 Springfield Lane" } ], "balance": "0.0", "company": { "id": "8052", "name": "Moe’s Tavern", "updated_at": "2014-08-08T21:50:26Z", "url": "/companies/8052" }, "email_addresses": [ { "address": "moe@moestavern.com", "id": "145997", "label": "Work", "primary": true }, { "address": "moe.szyslak@gmail.com", "id": "145996", "label": "Home", "primary": false } ], "id": "109402", "name": "Moe Szyslak", "notes": null, "phone_numbers": [ { "country_code": "+1", "extension": null, "id": "229515", "label": "Home", "number": "(480) 555-1313", "primary": false }, { "country_code": "+1", "extension": "102", "id": "229514", "label": "Work", "number": "(480) 555-1212", "primary": false } ], "primary_billing_address": { "country_code": "US", "extended_address": "Suite 202-B", "id": "501546", "label": "Tempe Home", "latitude": null, "locality": "Tempe", "longitude": null, "name": "Moe Szyslak", "po_box": false, "postal_code": "85281", "primary": true, "primary_billing_address": true, "primary_shipping_address": true, "region": "AZ", "street_address": "777 Springfield Lane" }, "primary_credit_card": { "address": { "country_code": "US", "extended_address": "Suite 202-B", "id": "501546", "label": "Tempe Home", "latitude": null, "locality": "Tempe", "longitude": null, "name": "Moe Szyslak", "po_box": false, "postal_code": "85281", "primary": true, "primary_billing_address": true, "primary_shipping_address": true, "region": "AZ", "street_address": "777 Springfield Lane" }, "association": { "email_addresses": [ { "address": "moe@moestavern.com", "id": "145997", "label": "Work", "primary": true }, { "address": "moe.szyslak@gmail.com", "id": "145996", "label": "Home", "primary": false } ], "id": "109402", "name": "Moe Szyslak", "phone_numbers": [ { "country_code": "+1", "extension": null, "id": "229515", "label": "Home", "number": "(480) 555-1313", "primary": false }, { "country_code": "+1", "extension": "102", "id": "229514", "label": "Work", "number": "(480) 555-1212", "primary": false } ], "url": "/clients/109402" }, "card_company": "Visa", "expiration_month": 12, "expiration_year": 2016, "id": "15019", "last_digits": "1111", "name": "Moe Szyslak", "phone_number": null, "primary": true, "url": "/clients/109402/credit_cards/15019" }, "primary_email_address": { "address": "moe@moestavern.com", "id": "145997", "label": "Work", "primary": true }, "primary_phone_number": { "country_code": "+1", "primary": false, "number": "(480) 555-1313", "extension": null, "label": "Home", "id": "229515" }, "primary_shipping_address": { "country_code": "US", "extended_address": "Suite 202-B", "id": "501546", "label": "Tempe Home", "latitude": null, "locality": "Tempe", "longitude": null, "name": "Moe Szyslak", "po_box": false, "postal_code": "85281", "primary": true, "primary_billing_address": true, "primary_shipping_address": true, "region": "AZ", "street_address": "777 Springfield Lane" }, "tags": [ "vip", "Married", "HasKids" ], "updated_at": "2014-08-08T21:36:55Z", "url": "/clients/109402" } |
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