Buy Examples for Orders / Create

Buy Examples for Orders / Create

A Buy Order is a purchase order where your Office is purchasing tickets from another Office and there is no corresponding sale to a Client or anyone else. You might create a Buy Order if you are simply looking to purchase tickets to add to your own inventory. Please see the Orders / Create documentation for more info.

TM Mobile Entry Electronic Transfer

Create a Buy Order for TM Mobile Entry tickets to be electronically transferred to a supplied name/email. In this example, a broker named “TEvo POS Test - Main Office (1937)” is buying two tickets for themselves. The tickets will be transferred to the provided email address.

  "orders": [
      "shipped_items": [
          "items": [
              "ticket_group_id": 453545058,
              "quantity": 2,
              "price": 15
          "type": "TMMobile",
          "ship_to_name": "Jackie Martinoski",
          "email_address_attributes": {
            "address": "jackie@ticketevolution.com"
      "payments": [
          "type": "evopay"
      "service_fee": 0,
      "tax": 0,
      "tax_signature": "9166e5ac-c663-4236-ae8b-76eb890a0468",
      "buyer_id": 1937,
      "buyer_reference_number": "123456789",
      "external_notes": "These notes will be visible to all parties",
      "internal_notes": "These notes will be visible only to your office (1937)"

TM Mobile Entry delivered via PDF a/k/a “Mobile Screencap” or “Mobile Screenshot”

Currently, these orders can be treated the same as Print at Home tickets (Etickets). See below.

AXS a/k/a Flash Seats™ Electronic Transfer

Create a Buy Order for Flash Seats tickets to be electronically transferred to a supplied name/email. In this example, a broker named “TEvo POS Test - Main Office (1937)” is buying two tickets for themselves. The Flash Seats will be transferred to the provided email address.

  "orders": [
      "shipped_items": [
          "items": [
              "ticket_group_id": 453545038,
              "quantity": 2,
              "price": 10
          "type": "FlashSeats",
          "ship_to_name": "Jackie Martinoski",
          "email_address_attributes": {
            "address": "jackie@ticketevolution.com"
      "payments": [
          "type": "evopay"
      "service_fee": 0,
      "tax": 0,
      "tax_signature": "9166e5ac-c663-4236-ae8b-76eb890a0468",
      "buyer_id": 1937,
      "buyer_reference_number": "123456789",
      "external_notes": "These notes will be visible to all parties",
      "internal_notes": "These notes will be visible only to your office (1937)"

Print at Home Tickets (Etickets)

Create a Buy Order for Print at Home tickets (Etickets) that are delivered as a PDF file. In this example, a broker named “TEvo POS Test - Main Office (1937)” is buying two tickets for themselves. 

  "orders": [
      "shipped_items": [
          "items": [
              "ticket_group_id": 453544998,
              "quantity": 2,
              "price": 12
          "type": "Eticket"
          "ship_to_name": "Jackie Martinoski",
          "email_address_attributes": {
            "address": "jackie@ticketevolution.com"
      "payments": [
          "type": "evopay"
      "service_fee": 0,
      "tax": 0,
      "tax_signature": "9166e5ac-c663-4236-ae8b-76eb890a0468",
      "buyer_id": 1937,
      "buyer_reference_number": "123456789",
      "external_notes": "These notes will be visible to all parties",
      "internal_notes": "These notes will be visible only to your office (1937)"

Physical Tickets Shipping via FedEx

Create a Buy Order for physical tickets that will ship via FedEx. In this example, a broker named “TEvo POS Test - Main Office (1937)” is buying two tickets for themselves. 

  "orders": [
      "shipped_items": [
          "items": [
              "ticket_group_id": 453545078,
              "quantity": 2,
              "price": 5
          "type": "FedEx",
          "service_type": "LEAST_EXPENSIVE",
          "signature_type": "INDIRECT",
          "residential": true,
          "ship_to_company_name": "TEvo POS Test - Main Office",
          "ship_to_name": "Jackie Martinoski",
          "address_attributes": {
            "street_address": "9060 East Via Linda",
            "extended_address": "Suite 230",
            "locality": "Scottsdale",
            "region": "AZ",
            "postal_code": "85258",
            "country_code": "US"
          "phone_number_attributes": {
            "extension": "5",
            "number": "972-468-9750",
            "is_primary": false
      "payments": [
          "type": "evopay"
      "service_fee": 0,
      "tax": 0,
      "tax_signature": "9166e5ac-c663-4236-ae8b-76eb890a0468",
      "buyer_id": 1937,
      "buyer_reference_number": "123456789",
      "external_notes": "These notes will be visible to all parties",
      "internal_notes": "These notes will be visible only to your office (1937)"

Physical Tickets with Local Pick Up

Create a Buy Order for physical tickets when it is too late to ship and the tickets must be picked up locally by the consumer, or perhaps the buyer knows the seller is nearby and prefers to pick them up in person. In this example, a broker named “TEvo POS Test - Main Office (1937)” is buying two tickets for themselves. 

  "orders": [
      "shipped_items": [
          "items": [
              "ticket_group_id": 453545078,
              "quantity": 2,
              "price": 5
          "type": "LocalPickup",
          "ship_to_name": "Jackie Martinoski",
          "notes": "Please contact Jackie to arrange when and where to pick up these tickets.",
          "phone_number_attributes": {
            "extension": "5",
            "number": "972-468-9750",
            "is_primary": false
      "payments": [
          "type": "evopay"
      "service_fee": 0,
      "tax": 0,
      "tax_signature": "9166e5ac-c663-4236-ae8b-76eb890a0468",
      "buyer_id": 1937,
      "buyer_reference_number": "123456789",
      "external_notes": "These notes will be visible to all parties",
      "internal_notes": "These notes will be visible only to your office (1937)"

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