Ticket Groups / Index - Removed

Ticket Groups / Index - Removed

NameTicket Groups Index
DescriptionLists all ticket groups for an event
Credential TypeAPI|User
Supports PaginationNo

Ticket Groups / Index and Ticket Groups / Show are deprecated.

Use Listings / Index and Listings / Show instead.

Starting January 31, 2023 we will be redirecting requests to Listings but the response payload is different so it is recommended you update your applications accordingly.

Long Description

Returns all ticket groups for the given event_id. This endpoint does not support pagination—all ticket groups matching your query will be returned.

Most users will want to use both lightweight=true and ticket_list=false to achieve the fastest results.

Please review our information on placing Test Orders in our Sandbox environment.

Each Ticket Group in the response will include an available_ticket_count property, which indicates how many tickets are currently available to sell.

Seating Charts

Ticket Evolution’s dynamic seating charts are included and can be used via our Javascript client. Instructions are provided at that link.

When using our dynamic seating charts you will want to include include_tevo_section_mappings=true with your /ticket_groups request.


Value Type


ID of the Event for which you would like to list ticketsintegerRequired
show_pastInclude tickets for events in the pastbooleanOptional
office_idShow only tickets owned by a specific officeintegerOptional

Filter by type to specify what types of tickets you will receive for an event:

  • event
  • parking
quantityFilter by number of tickets greater than passed valueintegerOptional
sectionFilter by exact match sectionStringOptional
rowFilter by exact match rowStringOptional
exclude_office_idExclude tickets owned by a specific officeintegerOptional
wheelchairFilter by wheelchair-accesssible ticketsbooleanOptional
include_unavailableList all tickets (overrides default behavior of listing only available)booleanOptional

Sort results by any of the following parameters:

  • retail_price
  • section
  • row
  • format
  • available_count
  • wheelchair
  • in_hand

Adjust the sort direction by appending ASC or DESC. e.g.: order_by=available_count+DESC



Filter results to one or more specific ticket format(s):

  • Physical
  • Eticket
  • Flash_seats
  • TM_mobile
  • Paperless

To include multiple formats separate them by a comma. e.g.: format=Physical,Eticket

eticketDisplay only eTickets. Deprecated. Use format insteadBooleanOptional
instant_deliveryDisplay only tickets available for “Instant Delivery”. Only etickets are available for Instant Delivery.booleanOptional
updated_atFilter by ticket updated atDateOptional
stateFilter by ticket statestringOptional
lightweightReturn a significantly smaller response with less details for greater speed
(Hint: You should almost always set this to true


Default: false


Omits the seat-level detail from the response.

(Hint: You should almost always set this to false)



Default: false

include_tevo_section_mappingsWhen set to true results will include an additional parameter, tevo_section_name, which indicates the canonical section name to be used with ticketevolution/seatmaps-client. This should only be set to true if you are utilizing Ticket Evolution seat maps.BooleanOptional
Default: false



Example of a request using lightweight=true which is recommended for all requests to this endpoint

Results from /ticket_groups
  "total_entries": 66,
  "ticket_groups": [
      "id": 506945848,
      "url": "/ticket_groups/506945848",
      "type": "event",
      "row": "9",
      "section": "211",
      "quantity": 1,
      "available_quantity": 1,
      "wholesale_price": 251.32,
      "eticket": true,
      "instant_delivery": true,
      "intended_for_instant_delivery": false,
      "in_hand": true,
      "in_hand_on": null,
      "public_notes": null,
      "splits": [
      "featured": false,
      "retail_price": 251.32,
      "format": "Eticket",
      "view_type": null,
      "broadcast": "t",
      "wheelchair": false,
      "signature": "Z1hGWlMrZ3A0UkhhNFhBaFdUSXpCOGFuMXZielhmT2hhVkxUMmhXQ1ZQND0tLVp5cW9WRzJqVm1pYVNxbm1iZ2tGUHc9PQ==--3c48da54088690d3d3bdbee4d039857219065bb1",
      "ticket_states": {
        "available": 1
      "office": {
        "id": 1692,
        "url": "/offices/1692",
        "name": "Auto-Purchase",
        "brokerage": {
          "id": 1700,
          "url": "/brokerages/1700",
          "name": "Auto-Purchase",
          "abbreviation": "TEvo"
      "natb_member": false,
      "tevo_section_name": "middle level sideline 211"



Example of a request that does not request the lightweight results. This is NOT recommended.


Results from /ticket_groups
  "total_entries": 66,
  "ticket_groups": [
      "tevo_section_name": "middle level sideline 211"
      "id": 506945848,
      "url": "/ticket_groups/506945848",
      "type": "event",
      "row": "9",
      "section": "211",
      "quantity": 1,
      "available_quantity": 1,
      "wholesale_price": 251.32,
      "eticket": true,
      "instant_delivery": true,
      "intended_for_instant_delivery": false,
      "in_hand": true,
      "in_hand_on": null,
      "remote_id": null,
      "public_notes": null,
      "private_notes": null,
      "exchange_notes": null,
      "created_at": "2018-09-06T19:00:32Z",
      "updated_at": "2018-11-02T00:30:20Z",
      "splits": [
      "ticket_states": {
        "available": 1
      "ticket_hold_ids": [
      "seats": [],
      "tickets": [
      "has_spec_tickets": false,
      "featured": false,
      "retail_price": 251.32,
      "format": "Eticket",
      "face_value": null,
      "view_type": null,
      "broadcast": "t",
      "wheelchair": false,
      "evopay_discount": 0,
      "evopay_discount_price": 218.54,
      "ticket_costs": [
      "ticket_purchase_order_ids": [
      "freshness": "> 240 mins",
      "signature": "Z1lBNnJ2ODJCbWpVQjN4cS9Zd3pIUk5vc2Z6WHBHZWNHRVRYM1F4MW55bz0tLXhlMlhrTjBMWVRVcWJLUlZzUUR0VUE9PQ==--4cc7f77a65a5410cc88a26f2037d8b4196772256",
      "event": {
        "id": 1443642,
        "url": "/events/1443642",
        "name": "Fleetwood Mac",
        "occurs_at": "2019-03-11T20:00:00Z"
      "office": {
        "id": 1692,
        "url": "/offices/1692",
        "name": "Auto-Purchase",
        "brokerage": {
          "id": 1700,
          "url": "/brokerages/1700",
          "name": "Auto-Purchase",
          "abbreviation": "TEvo Seller"
      "natb_member": false



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