Ticket Groups / Show - Removed

Ticket Groups / Show - Removed

NameTicket Groups Show
DescriptionDisplay details for a single ticket group
Credential TypeAPI|User

Ticket Groups / Index and Ticket Groups / Show are deprecated.

Use Listings / Index and Listings / Show instead.

Starting January 31, 2023 we will be redirecting requests to Listings but the response payload is different so it is recommended you update your applications accordingly.

Long Description

Display details for a single ticket group.

Each Ticket Group includes an available_ticket_count property, which indicates how many tickets are currently available to sell.

Request Parameters

ticket_group_idThe id of the individual ticket group.IntegerRequiredURI
ticket_listWhether or not to include a ticket_list array with details of the individual tickets in the groupBooleanOptionalQuery

Response Properties

The unique ID of this ticket group.Integer
typeEither event or parking to indicate which type of ticket this is. parking tickets do not include admission to the event but are great add-on item to suggest to a visitor purchasing event ticketsString

Indicates where seats are located.
Tickets without assigned locations are usually labeled as "GA or "General Admission" or "Gen Adm".
Tickets that have no actual seat are usually labeled as "SRO" or "Standing Room Only"

This is how many total tickets are available from this ticket group.Integer
An array of the quantities that may be purchased from this ticket group. Orders for quantities that are not in this array may be rejected. If you are building a <select> element for the user to choose the quantity they wish to buy you should populate the <option>s with these values.Array
This is your cost for each ticket from this ticket group. When you submit an order the price you submit must be at least this much or the order will error. If you need to sell tickets below your cost you should use the discount parameter when placing your order.Float
This is wholesale_price with any inventory rules applied. you are not required to charge your customer this amount. If you wish to handle retail price calculation on your side you may.Float
expected_delivery_typeThis explains how it is expected that the ticket will be delivered to the Client. See the table below for more details.String

Indicator of the format of the ticket, which also generally dictates how the tickets will be delivered to your customer.

formatallowed shipment.typeDetails


The traditional paper or “hard” ticket that has existed for dozens of years. Physical tickets usually include a barcode that must be scanned in order to gain entry to the event.
LocalPickupPhysical tickets are generally shipped via FedEx, but in some cases may need to be picked up by the consumer at the venue’s Will Call or a location near the venue. The seller will provide the exact location after the order is accepted.



These tickets are generally PDF files that the consumer will download and print out to take to the event and generally include a barcode that must be scanned in order to gain entry to the event.

Sometimes the seller will provide a PDF of the mobile entry ticket images. These must be displayed on a mobile phone so the barcodes can be scanned for entry. The venue will not allow entry if these are printed on paper.



Mobile Entry is rapidly becoming the most prolific way tickets are distributed. The tickets purchased will be transferred to the consumer's email address. The consumer must then accept the transfer and then be prepared to show the tickets on their mobile device in order to gain entry to the event. Learn more from Ticketmaster.



Flash Seats is very similar to TM Mobile Entry. Learn more from Flash Seats.



For some events, no actual tickets are issued and instead the credit card that originally purchased the tickets must be scanned in order to gain entry to the event. Learn more from Ticketmaster. In most cases a gift card with instructions will be sent to the consumer via FedEx and the consumer will use that gift card to gain entry to the event. The gift card does not need to be returned after the event and may be discarded.


In some cases it may be too late to ship the gift card required for entry and the Client may need to be picked up by the consumer at the venue’s Will Call or a location near the venue. The seller will provide the exact location after the order is accepted.
PaperlessIn other cases the consumer may need to meet a representative of the company selling the tickets at the venue and the representative will walk the consumer through the process of entering the event.
in_hand and in_hand_date

in_hand is a boolean property that indicates if the Seller has the tickets in their possession and can initiate the delivery process now. Since many sports teams announce their schedules before they deliver tickets to their season ticket holders the Sellers may have purchased the tickets but not yet received them from the team. Similarly, tickets for some other events may be sold but not yet delivered.

If in_hand is false then in_hand_date will be the date on which the Seller expects to be able to initiate the delivery process.



A boolean value that indicates whether or not you can expect these tickets to be available to your Client within a few minutes of placing the order. Only Ticket Groups with an expected_delivery_type of FILE_DOWNLOAD can be Instant Delivery.Boolean
These notes should be displayed to the Client before purchasing and may include important details that may influence the buying decision.String|null
A boolean property used to indicate if a ticket group is considered to be “featured” based upon rules you provide.Boolean
A boolean property used to indicate if the tickets are marked as intended to be used by wheelchair or otherwise handicapped patrons.Boolean
One of: Full, Obstructed, Possibly Obstructed, or Partially ObstructedString

Response Properties You Should Ignore

These properties may be either deprecated or for internal use only and can generally be ignored.

broadcastIndicates if the ticket group should be broadcastBooleanInternal Use Only
freshnessUsed to indicate the last time this ticket group was updatedStringDeprecated
ticket_costsAn array of the costs of each ticket in the groupArrayDeprecated
ticket_statesDescribes the various states and quantities within a ticket groupObject

Internal Use Only

ticket_listContains information about the individual tickets within a ticket groupArray of ObjectsInternal Use Only
ticket_purchase_order_idsContains information about the purchase order for the individual tickets within a ticket groupArrayInternal Use Only
signatureUnique string identifying this ticket groupStringInternal Use Only
officeThe office which is selling these ticketsObjectDeprecated
ticket_hold_idsAn array of the hold IDs if any tickets form the group are currently heldArrayDeprecated
eticketIndicates if the tickets are in an electronic format such as PDF or a QR CodeBooleanDeprecated
quantityThe total number of tickets. See available_quantity to know how many may be purchasedIntegerInternal Use Only
exchange_notesNotes that are only shown to the B2B marketplaceString|nullInternal Use Only
private_notesPrivate notes that are only shown to the owner of the ticket groupString|nullInternal Use Only



         "row":"TROPHY CLUB",
         "freshness":"> 240 mins",
         "section":"TROPHY CLUB",
               "eticket_id": 3124
			   "eticket_id": null
            "name":"US Senior Open Golf",
               "abbreviation":"Red Zone",
               "name":"Red Zone Tickets",
            "name":"Main Office",

         "freshness":"> 240 mins",
			   "eticket_id": 1234
			   "eticket_id": null
            "name":"US Senior Open Golf",
               "abbreviation":"Red Zone",
               "name":"Red Zone Tickets",
            "name":"Main Office",


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