Clients / Addresses / Show
Clients / Addresses / Show
Name | Description | Type | Presence | Location |
client_id | The ID of the specific Client | Integer | Required | URI |
address_id | The ID of the specific Address | Integer | Required | URI |
Name | Description | Type |
country_code | 2 digit ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 Country Code | String |
extended_address | Second line of the street address | String |
id | The unique ID of this Address | Integer |
label | Arbitrary description, like 'home' or 'office' | String |
latitude | Latitude for the Address | Float|null |
locality | City | Array|null |
longitude | Longitude for the Address | Float|null |
name | Name of the person/recipient | String|null |
po_box | Whether or not this is considered a PO Box | Boolean |
postal_code | Zip code | Object|null |
primary | Whether or not this is considered the primary address for this Client | Object|null |
region | State or province | String|null |
street_address | First line of the Address | String|null |
updated_at | Last updated timestamp | Date (ISO_8601) |
url | The unique URL for this Address | String |
Request | Response |
GET /v9/clients/109402/addresses/501545 |
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