HOWTO: Create A New User For My Office

HOWTO: Create A New User For My Office

Each person in your company that accesses Ticket Evolution should have their own user account with appropriate permissions set.

Shared accounts and generic users such as “Office” or “Sales” are not allowed. Each person needs their own user account. There is no charge for additional users and providing each employee with their own user allows auditing of who did what.

Users are tied to specific Offices within your Brokerage. If your Brokerage has multiple offices and some of your Users need to act on behalf of multiple offices those Users would need one User account per office. One way you can do this is by putting +office into the users email address before the @ symbol. Your email system will still deliver those emails correctly. For example bonnie+losangeles@myawesometickets.com and bonnie+lasvegas@myawesometickets.com will both go to bonnie@myawesometickets.com.

Adding an Additional User

  1. Login to your Settings at https://settings.ticketevolution.com/

  2. Navigate to Brokerage -> Users

  3. Click the Add User button

  4. Enter the user’s information and set appropriate privileges for that user

    *NAME cannot contain an apostrophe or Core will load an empty page when they log in



  5. The user will receive an email at the provided address that includes a link to establish a password.

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