01. Getting Access to the Ticket Evolution API

01. Getting Access to the Ticket Evolution API

Ticket Evolution supports three main types of API users and the type of user you are will determine how you get access to our API.

White Label Affiliates

  • You are a marketer and need inventory to sell.
  • Full customer service provided by Ticket Evolution.
  • Ticket Evolution handles the credit card transaction and all fraud checks.

If you have not yet signed up for our affiliate program: please go http://www.ticketevolution.com/affiliate-services/#workWithUs


  • You are a marketer and need inventory to sell.
  • You want to control all aspects of your brand; from customer service to credit card processing.

If you have not yet signed up for our partner program: please go to http://www.ticketevolution.com/partner-services/#workWithUs


As a broker selling tickets on Ticket Evolution you are able to use the Ticket Evolution API to power your own website. See 01.1 Getting Access to the Ticket Evolution API (Brokers) for more information.

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