Performers / Index
Performers / Index
Long Description
Obtain a list of Performers that match given conditions.
Name | Description | Type | Presence | Location | Conditionals |
venue_id | ID of the Performer’s home venue (most performers do not have one) | Integer | Optional | Query | No |
category_id | Show only Performers in this category (does not include sub-categories) | Integer | Optional | Query | No |
category_tree | When true and used in conjunction with category_id performers in sub-categories of the category_id will be included | Boolean | Optional | Query | No |
only_with_upcoming_events | Filter to only Performers who have upcoming events | Boolean | Optional | Query | No |
upcoming_events_end_date | Filter to only Performers who have upcoming events earlier than the date ("only_with_upcoming_events" must be true) | Date (ISO_8601) | Optional | Query | No |
first_letter | Filter to Performers whose names begin with this letter | String | Optional | Query | No |
popularity_score | Filter to Performers whose popularity score meets the provided conditionals | Decimal | Optional | Query | Yes |
disabled_at | Filter to Performers disabled before or after a certain date | Date (ISO_8601) | Optional | Query | Yes |
deleted_at | Filter performers deleted before or after a certain date | Date (ISO_8601) | Optional | Query | Yes |
updated_at | Filter performers updated before or after a certain date | Date (ISO_8601) | Optional | Query | Yes |
name | Exact name of the Performer. Use Performers / Search when searching for a Performer by name. | String | Optional | Query | No |
order_by | Pass in the parameter that you want to order by and the sorting order (Ex. :order_by => "performers.popularity_score DESC") | String | Optional | Query | No |
Request | Response |
/v9/performers?name=Pawtucket%20Red%20Sox | |
| { "performers":[ { "keywords":"", "updated_at":"2012-09-03 09:38:19.352303", "upcoming_events":{ "last":"2013-09-02 13:35:00", "first":"2013-07-12 00:00:00" }, "venue":{ "updated_at":null, "address":{ "region":"RI", "locality":"Pawtucket", "postal_code":"02860", "created_at":"2012-04-12 03:35:48.437141", "street_address":"One Columbus Avenue", "country_code":"US", "extended_address":null }, "url":"/venue/", "name":null, "id":null }, "popularity_score":"0.275320", "category":{ "name":"Minor League", "url":"/categories/4", "id":"4", "parent":{ "name":"Baseball", "url":"/categories/2", "id":"2", "parent":{ "name":"Sports", "url":"/categories/1", "id":"1", "parent":null } } }, "url":"/performers/14316", "name":"Pawtucket Red Sox", "id":14316 } ], "current_page":1, "per_page":100, "total_entries":1 } |
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