Venues / Show
Venues / Show
Long Description
Display details about a specified Venue, its popularity score, address, and upcoming events.
Name | Description | Type | Presence | Location |
venue_id | The ID of the specific Venue | Integer | Required | URI |
Request | Response |
/v9/venues/5725 | |
| { "upcoming_events":{ "last":"2022-06-19T19:05:00Z", "first":"2013-07-09T19:05:00Z" }, "address":{ "locality":"Bronx", "postal_code":"10452", "label":null, "country_code":"US", "street_address":"161st Street and River Avenue", "created_at":"2012-04-12T03:35:28Z", "latitude":40.8330858, "extended_address":null, "location":"Bronx, NY", "longitude":-73.9228909, "region":"NY" }, "meta":{ "paragraph_1":null, "paragraph_2":null, "page_title":null, "paragraph_3":null, "canonical_url":null, "meta_keywords":null, "meta_description":null, "nofollow":false, "header_title":null, "noindex":false, "image":"/images/original/missing.png" }, "popularity_score":"0.92982", "keywords":"", "country_code":"US", "url":"/venues/5725", "updated_at":"2012-09-19T08:36:26Z", "location":"Bronx, NY", "name":"Yankee Stadium", "id":5725 } |
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