Items / Finalize Etickets

Items / Finalize Etickets

NameItems Finalize Etickes
DescriptionFinalize etickets on an order item for delivery.

Long Description

Finalize the etickets on an order item after using Items / Add Etickets.  You must pass an array of pages which will be kept in the final delivery.  If a client order exists in the order chain, an email will be sent at this time if this setting is turned on in the settings app.

The item_id in the URL can be found in the items array of an Order and is the property labeled id (orders[]->items[]->id), it is not the property labeled order_item_id.


Value Type
keep_pagesArray of page numbers which will be kept in the final eticket packArray of integersRequired
ignore_quantityPass if you would like the API to skip verifying that the number of final pages equal the quantity of the item such as in a case where you need to deliver 5 pages when only 4 tickets sold.BooleanOptional


POST /v9/orders/75214/items/26319/finalize_etickets
  "ignore_quantity": true

See Items / Show