
Notifications System can be used to update you about new orders as well as changes to an order.

Simply provide a URL where you would like us to send notifications and we will send a POST to that URL with three parameters: recipientevent_type and bodyevent_type will be an indicator or what action took place and body will contain JSON to show the new changes.

We have notifications that apply to both Sellers and Buyers and the recipient parameter indicates whether you are the buyer or the seller for the given order.

Seller Notifications

New Order

As soon as a new order for your tickets is received we will send these notifications. This should reduce your reliance on checking Orders / Index for new orders, and once you have confirmed this notification is working for you we suggest that only check Orders / Index every 5 minutes or so as a fallback.







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Airbill Uploaded

When a buyer has purchased Physical tickets to be shipped and used the delivery type ProvidedAirbill to indicate they would upload an airbill we will send this notification when the airbill is uploaded and is ready for you to retrieve using Shipments / Get Airbill or manually via Core.






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Delivery Updated

When the delivery has detail or attribute changes post-order (email address, name, etc…), we will send this notification.






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Order Accepted

When you have Accepted an order we will send this notification.






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Etickets Finalized

When you have uploaded and finalized Etickets for an order item we will send this notification.






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In-Hand Updated

When the in hand or in hand on changes on an order, we will send this notification.






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Buyer Notifications

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ETicket Finalized

Once the Seller has uploaded the Etickets for an item within your Purchase Order you will receive this notification.






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In-Hand Updated

When the in hand or in hand on changes on an order, we will send this notification.






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Airbill Requested

When a Seller has requested an airbill because they are ready to ship Physical tickets we will send this notification. See below for notification example.

Airbill Generated

When a Seller has generated an airbill because they are ready to ship Physical tickets we will send this notification. See below for notification example.

Delivery Reclassified

When the delivery method has changed post-order (ex: from Fedex to Local Pickup, etc…), we will send this notification. See below for notification example.

Delivery Updated

When the delivery has detail or attribute changes post-order (email address, name, etc…), we will send this notification. See below for notification example.

Delivery Shipped

When FedEx shows that they have taken possession of a package we will send this notification. See below for notification example.

Delivery Complete

This notification is sent when:











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